Tag Archives: Pentatonix

Be Smitten With The Little Drummer Boy

How often do we really listen to those good ol’ Christmas carols?

Currently, we are smitten with the Little Drummer Boy.

A few years ago, we fell in love with Silent Night. I had heard the song my whole life, but I had never paid attention to the story. The boys wanted us to sing the song and read the book over and over and over.

On the weekend, OC pulled this board book off the shelf:

We saw the music notes in the back and have been attempting to play it on the piano.

Then, Sexy Neck showed us this incredible acapella version of the Little Drummer Boy: Listen here to Pentatonix

Me, I am smitten with the beautiful story of a little boy that brought the only gift that he had to give and what did Baby Jesus do? He smiled.

On this fourth day of advent, I pray we can all beat our own drums to the very best of our abilities. May God show us the gifts He has given us…. Beat OUR drums.

Rat at tat tat!

May we sense God smiling at us!